Rosa Churcher Clarke


Rosa Churcher Clarke concluded her PhD in Comparative Studies in March 2022 with the thesis Writing From The Margins: The Crónicas Of Ilse Losa.

Rosa Churcher Clarke holds a BA degree in Spanish and Portuguese (Language and Literature) from the University of Oxford, and an MA degree in “Crossways in Cultural Narratives” from the Universities of Sheffield, Nova de Lisboa and Perpignan (Erasmus Mundus).

She was admitted onto the PhD-COMP in 2017/2018 as an FCT scholarship holder (D/BD/135209/2017). Her research focused on the crónicas of Ilse Losa, under the supervision of Professors Doris Wieser (Universty of Coimbra), Cláudia Pazos-Alonso (University of Oxford) and Gerd Hammer (University of Lisbon).

She is a member in training of the Centre for Comparative Studies (University of Lisbon), and collaborates on the Feminisms and Sexual and Gender Dissidence in the Global South research project.

Main publications:

Forthcoming, Autumn 2019. “À Flor Do Tempo – ‘Nem Uma Coisa Nem Outra’ – Nomadic Subjectivity in the Crónicas of Ilsa Losa” in Transnational Portuguese Women Artists and Writers, special issue of Portuguese Studies, edited by Claudia Pazos Alonso and Maria Luisa Coelho, Vol. 35.2

2017. “Ilse (Lieblich) Losa – «nomadic subject» por excelência para a literatura portuguesa” em Maria Graciete Besse, Maria Araújo da Silva, Ana Paula Coutinho, Fátima Outeirinho (eds.), Exiliance au féminin dans le monde lusophone (XX-XXIe siècles). Paris: Éditions Hispaniques.