E-mail: ralucabalan@campus.ul.pt
Raluca Balan holds a BA degree in Romanian and English Languages and Literatures from the School of Arts and Humanities, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (Romania), and an MA degree in History of Images – History of Ideas (Comparative Literature) from the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj (Romania).
She entered the PhD-COMP Programme in 2018/2019, and became a scholarship holder in 2019/2020. Her research focuses on the aesthetics and politics of self-exile in Portuguese and Romanian discourses of the 20th century, under the supervision of Professors Ricardo Gil Soeiro (University of Lisbon) and Mara Magda Maftei (University of Bucarest).
She is a member in training from the Centre of Comparative Studies, where she is part of the POSTHUMAN: POSTHUMANIST LITERARY IMAGINATION research project in the MORPHE group.
Main publication:
- “The 21st Century Scholars. Medicine and Society”. In : La Trahison des images, la déficience des langues. Cahiers Echinox Journal 31: 332-33.