E-mail: mrobalo@campus.ul.pt
Inês Robalo holds a BA degree in Art and Humanities and an MA degree in Comparative Studies from the University of Lisbon.
She was admitted to PhD-COMP in the academic year of 2016/2017 as a scholarship holder (PD/BD/127929/2016). Her research focuses on nineteenth century literature, and she is developing a project entitled Reading Objects in Nineteenth Century Literature and Culture, under the supervision of Professors Ângela Fernandes (University of Lisbon) and Donata Meneghelli (University of Bologna).
She is a member in training of the Centre for Comparative Studies (University of Lisbon), where she is part of the research projects RIAL- Reality and Imagination in Art and Literature and Aesthetics of Memory and Emotions.
Main Publications:
- 2017. “Erinnerung und Performativität in W.G. Sebalds Austerlitz und Peter Eisenmans Denkmal für die ermorderten Juden Europas“. In Vom Experiment zur Neuorientierung: Furschungswege der Germanistik im 21. Jahrhundert, Ana Maria Bernardo, Fernanda Mota Alves e Ana Maria Abrantes (Hg.), 93- 102. Berlin: Frank & Timme.
- 2015.“Os Limites do Espaço em Die Ringe des Saturn de W.G. Sebald“. estrema: Revista Interdisciplinar de Humanidades 6, 286-312.