Laura Fracalanza

Laura Fracalanza holds a BA degree in Modern Languages and Cultures from the University of Genova (Italy) and an MA degree in Modern, Comparative and Post-Colonial Literatures from the University of Bologna (Italy).

She entered the PhD-COMP programme in 2017/2018, as an FCT scholarship holder (PD/BD/135206/2017). She is currently developing her research on artworks and cultural events that represent and challenge the condition of social and political segregation of the territories where they are produced, focusing on the favelas of Rio de Janeiro and Palestine. She works under the supervision of Professors Alva Martínez Teixeiro (University of Lisbon), Susana Araújo (University of Coimbra) and Roberto Vecchi (University of Bologna).

She is a member in training of the Centre for Comparative Studies (University of Lisbon), working with the CILM Project.

Main publications:

2017, “Costruire comunità attraverso i checkpoint: fare Teatro dell’Oppresso in Palestina”. In: Educazione Interculturale, Vol 15, No. 2.