Jonas Prinzleve


With a degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences from Amsterdam University College (2014) and an MA in Postcolonial Culture and Global Policy from Goldsmiths, University of London (2017), Jonas Prinzleve is currently a PhD candidate in the International PhD Programme in Comparative Studies (PhD-COMP) at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon (FLUL). He is developing the research project A decolonial turn in public memory? Hamburg and Lisbon compared as a doctoral scholarship holder of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). He is a member of the Centre for Comparative Studies at FLUL (CEComp), where he is part of the project “Constellations of Memory: A Multidirectional Study of Migration and Postcolonial Memory”, funded by FCT (CEECIND/03592/2018), as well as the research network COST Action, TRACTS, and the CEComp-Digital Humanities Commission. He is a member of the international Memory Studies Association (MSA) and the Hamburg Ministry of Media and Culture’s commission for the elaboration of a city-wide decolonial programme. He is also a co-author in the digital project ReMapping Memories Lisboa- Hamburg at the Goethe Institute of Lisbon and a member of the advisory board. His main research interests include cultural heritage and memory studies, colonialism and postcolonial theory, museums and civil society, (de-)coloniality, urban studies and cultural geography.


Prinzleve, J (2021) Silent memorylands: City branding and the coloniality of cultural memory in the Hamburg HafenCity. Memory Studies (in process of peer-review).

Prinzleve, J (2021) Lisboa e a Memória do Império: Património, Museus e Espaço Público. Elsa Peralta. Book review. Análise Social, 2 (239): 399-402.

Prinzleve, J (2021) Postcolonial lieux de mémoire: The concept of the memory site in the context of the ReMapping Memories Lisboa-Hamburg project. (Orig.: Postkoloniale Erinnerungsorte: Das Konzept des Erinnerungsorts im Kontext des Projekts ReMapping Memories Lisboa – Hamburg) Available at: (accessed 18 October 2021).

Prinzleve, J (2021) Entanglements: On the shared colonial legacy of the port cities of Lisbon and Hamburg. (Orig.: Verbindungslinien: Über das geteilte Kolonialerbe der Hafenstädte Lissabon und Hamburg) Available at: (accessed 18 October 2021)