Igor Furão

E-mail: igorf@campus.ul.pt

Igor Furão concluded his PhD in Comparative Studies in July 2021 with the thesis Representing Life, Resisting Power: A Comparative Approach to Contemporary Biopolitics Through The Lenses Of Gonçalo M. Tavares, Francesco Verso, Ken Macleod, and Suzanne Collins

Igor Furão has a BA degree in Languages, Literatures and Cultures: Comparative Arts and Cultures from the University of Lisbon, and an MA degree in Comparative Studies from the same institution. He has participated in the research projects Aesthetics of Emotions and CILM – City and Insecurity in Literature and Media, both developed at the Centre for Comparative Studies of the University of Lisbon, and has collaborated in the project Messengers from the Stars, developed at  the Centre for English Studies of the University of Lisbon.

He was admitted to the PhD-COMP programme in 2015/2016 as a doctoral scholarship student (PD/BD/113724/2015). He is currently developing his research on the literary representations of contemporary biopolitics (Representing Life, representing Power: A comparative approach to contemporary biopolitics), under the supervision of Professors Susana Araújo (University of Coimbra), Ricardo Gil Soeiro (University of Lisbon) and  Andrea Cavalletti (University of Bologna).

He is a member in training of the Centre for Comparative Studies (University of Lisbon), working as part of the CILM project.


Main publications:

2017. “Controlar e Imunizar: a(s) política(s) do corpo em Intrusion, de Ken MacLeod”. 452ºF. Revista de Teoría de la literatura y Literatura Comparada N. 17, Special Issue “Literatura, Imágenes y políticas de la vida”.

2017. “Interview with Ken Macleod”. Co-authored with Ana Rita Martins. Journal Messengers from the Stars: On Science Fiction and Fantasy. Nº2.

2015. “O Esplendor da Escuridão: Uma abordagem interdisciplinar do romance Uma Casa na Escuridão, de José Luís Peixoto”. Dedalus 17-18, 1111-1125.

2012. “A morte Pós-moderna da Justiça” in Antologia (In)seguranças no espaço urbano. Susana Araújo, Sandra Bettencourt and Ana Raquel Fernandes (orgs.). Vila Nova de Famalicão: Edições Húmus.

2011. Estética das Emoções. Fernanda Gil Costa and Igor Furão (orgs.). V. N. de Famalicão: Edições Húmus.