José Bértolo


José Bértolo concluded his PhD in Comparative Studies in December 2019 with the thesis Galeria de Retratos: Figuras da Espectralidade em Manoel de Oliveira e João Pedro Rodrigues.

He holds a BA degree in Languages, Literatures and Cultures (2013) and an MA degree in Comparative Studies (2015) from the University of Lisbon. He organized conferences, seminars and workshops, and curated film cycles in academic and non-academic contexts.

He was admitted to PhD-COMP in 2015/2016 with an FCT scholarship (PD/BD/113726/2015) for a project on spectrality in the work of Portuguese filmmakers Manoel de Oliveira and João Pedro Rodrigues, under the supervision of Professor Fernando Guerreiro (Universidade de Lisboa), Professor Clara Rowland (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), and Professor Teresa Castro (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3).

He is a member of the Centre for Comparative Studies (University of Lisbon) since 2013, where he has collaborated in the research projects False Movement – Studies on Writing and Film(Re)Written on the wind – melodrama among the arts, and Cinema and the World: Studies on Space and Cinema. He is currently a member of the team of the research project RIAL – Reality and Imagination in Art and Literature.

Main publications:

2020 [no prelo]. “As origens da Nouvelle Vague”, in Nelson Araújo (ed.), História do Cinema. Lisboa: Edições 70.

2019. Sobreimpressões: Leituras de Filmes. Lisboa: Documenta.

2019. Morte e Espectralidade nas Artes e na Literatura (com Fernando Guerreiro). V. N. Famalicão: Húmus.

2019. “Falar na língua dos mortos: Wenceslau de Moraes e Paulo Rocha”, in Fernando Guerreiro e José Bértolo (eds.), Morte e Espectralidade nas Artes e na Literatura. V.N. Famalicão: Húmus, pp. 77-93.

2017. “Conjuring the Dead in Henry James’s The Altar of the Dead and François Truffaut’s La chambre verte”, in Donata Meneghelli e Massimo Fusillo (eds.), A Story Is Always Born Twice: Issues on Adaptation. Lentini: Duetredue Edizioni, pp. 15-28.