On photoliterature: methodology and perspective

19-20 de Março de 2018
14-17, sala 5.2

Jean-Pierre Montier                                                                                                           Université de Rennes 2

About twenty years ago, most critics in literary fields agreed about this assertion: literature and photography have only superficial connections. Nowadays, thanks to the convergence of inventive and skilful works – for example those by Philippe Ortel (La Littérature à l’ère de la photographie, 2001), Paul Edwards (Soleil noir, 2007; Perle noire, 2016) –, this opinion has been entirely revised and an original field of research has begun to be explored. I myself contributed to this new approach by organising colloquiums in Cerisy-la-Salle (Carrefour Stieglitz, 2012, L’écrivain vu par la photographie, 2016), by launching a website (phlit.org) to make an inventory of the corpus, and by creating an international review dedicated to the knowledge of “photoliterature”, exploring a wide range  theoretical and historical questions. My conference aims to clarify these questions and to focus on current research perspectives.